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Presented by Goldrush Productions Created by the people of Skagway, and depicting events taken from actual historical records, The Days of '98 Show with Soapy Smith portrays the last day of this notorious outlaw's life - July 8, l898. Jefferson Randolph "Soapy" Smith was born in Georgia in l861 and ventured west as a young man. He learned his trade as a con man during the silver and gold rushes of Colorado and eventually made it to Skagway in the fall of 1897. Skagway at that time was described by Canadian Mountie Sam Steele as "a little better than hell on earth!" Soapy formed a gang and reigned supreme for nine months. While his men did most of the dirty work, Soapy tried to establish himself as a solid citizen, contributing to the building of Skagway's first church and founding an "Adopt a Dog" program. When Soapy's gang robbed a man of his gold dust, tempers flared and events culminated in a final showdown. The audience witnesses this historic moment and the conclusion to the story, keeping Skagway's colorful history alive. The Days of '98 Show features can-can dancing, ragtime music and Robert Service poetry. Visitors can see The Days of 98 Show in the beautifully restored Eagles Hall, located at 6th and Broadway in downtown Skagway. There are up to four shows daily, starting at 10:30. Phone (907) 983-2545 or visit www.thedaysof98show.com for additional information.

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